How does YouTube’s algorithm work?

As with all social platforms, those algorithms driving the serving up of information are constantly in motion – always being updated and so always changing. And because YouTube’s algorithm for recommendations drives 70% of what people watch on the platform, it helps to understand how the platform prioritises things. Here’s how it currently works:

  • Relevance: YouTube’s algorithm matches factors like title, tags, content, and description to a search query.
  • Engagement: This relies on signals such as watch time and watch percentage, along with likes, comments, and shares.
  • Quality: To evaluate quality the algorithm determines the channel’s authority and trustworthiness on an issue or topic.
  • User search and watch history: Content that users have viewed or enjoyed in the past feeds into this to provide content that’s helpful.

From here you have your research to do. This is just the high level. There is a potential mountain of tasks to work through to get your YouTube content and YouTube page up to standard. But once you master YouTube it becomes clear why this is the favourite among the marketer’s social media children. Top YouTube channels reap rewards like none other. So get busy and make it happen. You’ll be glad you cracked this one.