Everyone wants to blog like that household name HubSpot. Why? Because from April to October 2018, HubSpot increased blog traffic by 45%.
They take content marketing, particularly blogging, very seriously.
HubSpot covers industry trends using in-depth, educational, relatable articles plus thousands of content pieces from eBooks to infographics. It even creates downloadable marketing kits. It’s no wonder its blog receives 4.5 million monthly subscribers.
HubSpot proves the power of educational content that isn’t overly promotional – in turn, attracting a following and being easy to find on Google. Google estimates 71% of B2B researchers start with a generic search; and you can bet most generic marketing searches bring up a HubSpot blog post.
HubSpot also shows that content needs to be structured. Visitor numbers stagnated after 10 years because people struggled to find anything… but after delving into the data and reorganising content by topics, the site’s traffic flow vastly improved.