What’s up with those marketing AI adoption rates?

A recent study involving 300 global marketing leaders working in companies with more than a 10,000 staff count shed some interesting insight into AI adoption:

  • Only 27% of US-based and 14% of Singapore-based marketers said they have been using AI tools in the last three years. This compares to 55% of those based in Australia and 45% in the UK.
  • 45% said they have issues finding people who have the skills in marketing and AI to undertake projects.
  • Only 23% of the world’s biggest companies have adequate internal resources to take advantage of new technologies with 52% opting for a blended skills approach to AI implementation using in-house staff alongside external suppliers.
  • 78% of firms have been forced to delay implementation of AI and automation due to concerns about bias and fairness.

The study concluded that AI and automation are majorly under-utilized within the in-house marketing operations teams at some of the world’s largest enterprises. Will things pick up, or is AI adoption starting to get stuck in the mud?