Write content, syndicate content, repeat

Any type of existing content can be syndicated, from blogs to infographics to videos. Simple and effective, it increases reach beyond a standard email list and ramps up brand awareness.

In fact, 31% surveyed in the CMI’s 2020 B2C Content Marketing Report distributed content via articles in third-party publications and guest posts – in other words, media syndication.

Remember to create content that mainstream media needs. Ensure it’s up-to-date with current news, events and cutting-edge research. Avoid direct promotion. And bear in mind, even if the media doesn’t pay for your content, you still benefit from it being syndicated to other sources.

Lastly, be SEO savvy. Google discourages duplicate content – but you can get around this if you’re clear that it’s syndicated. Headings such as ‘Guest post’ and providing a canonical link make it clear which version is the original.