In the mind of the reader
Why mediocre content suggests a mediocre product or service

Writing involves a lot of work. Getting your message across with the impact you want means lots of time researching, re-reading, tweaking, reordering, cutting – and sometimes starting over because, well, that idea just didn’t work. In the age of content marketing, where informative, journalistic content makes up the vast majority of your overall content […]

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Do you think like a publisher? 5 must-have pieces for your content marketing mix
To prepare yourself for the content marketing landscape that lies ahead, you need to think like a publisher.

To prepare yourself for the content marketing landscape that lies ahead, you need to think like a publisher. In some ways the term ‘content marketing’ no longer quite fits. We’re not just marketers and not just content producers. Our efforts now are all about delivering a publishing initiative that helps organisations improve in many different […]

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