To do: Write content, use social media

Social. How do you get it right?

Not only does social media facilitate fast and timely distribution, it allows you to target the right people at the right time. In fact, 93% of 1,798 marketers said they planned to distribute content on social media (CMI B2C report, 2020).

So, how to get it right? Use targeting features to display adverts or specific posts to a pre-defined audience. Target by age, gender, location, keywords and so on. Twitter and Facebook even allow you to upload your own customer data, plus the Facebook Audience Insights page lets you deep-dive into your current audience.

Next, establish yourself as a thought leader. That comes from producing high-quality, relevant and authoritative content on a regular basis. It’s that content which creates a sense of trust between you and your customer – that nurtures relationships and boosts leads.

And social is a powerful way to distribute it.